This homework is due on April 26, 2021.
- Starter code and full assignment can be found in this repo
- Please submit your solutions using the class Gradescope.
- Your hand-in should consist of two parts: 1) a single PDF report and 2) all your code in a compressed zip file. Please name the report "AndrewID.pdf" and the code "".
- You should follow the code structure we defined in the steps of this assignment, but small deviation is allowed.
- Late Days: Everyone has 7 non-penalty late days for the whole semester, which are tracked by Gradescope. After 7 days are used up, any assignment handed in late will be graded as 0 points.
- Start early and have fun!
Acknowledgements: This assignment was adapted from previous homework written by Samantha Powers, Kenneth Marino and Donglai Xiang.